Help Docs

Incident management

Site24x7 handles incidents, critical events, and issues that disrupt monitored systems' health and performance. This encompasses monitoring alerts, scheduling maintenance tasks, accessing detailed incident logs, and efficiently managing and resolving incidents to maintain optimal system operation. The incident management features in Site24x7 aim to streamline these processes, enabling users to proactively address issues and maintain the reliability of their systems.

Schedule Maintenance

Set up a maintenance window to streamline IT team collaboration. During this period, monitor alerts are automatically suppressed.


Site24x7's Alarms view enables monitoring of all configured monitors by grouping alerts by their monitor name and severity, with options to view current outages or outages from the past 24 hours.

Alert Logs

Access detailed alert logs from your Site24x7 account and filter them by the alerting mode and date range. These logs, exportable as a CSV file for sharing, provide information on the recipients, trigger time, mode, and outage reason.

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