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Node.js agent - Release notes

Version 4.3.1

10 October 2024

Issue fix:

  • The issue, TypeError: httpHeadersFromReq[eachHeaderKey].split is not a function, when null is passed, has been fixed.

Version 4.3.0

9 April 2024

Issue fixes:

  • The issue with ignoring the HTTP error code has been fixed.
  • The issue with traces not capturing for error transactions has been fixed.

Version 4.2.0

29 January 2024

Issue fixes:

  • The issue with the Hapi and Koa frameworks has been fixed.
  • The external call failure count calculation issue in the service map has been fixed.

Version 4.0.0

18 August 2023


  • You now have various options to start the agent without modifying the user code. Refer to this Node.js installation page for more details.
  • Set the application group name (appGroupName) in the configuration file or as an environment variable (APMINSIGHT_APP_GROUP_NAME).

Version 3.1.2

11 July 2023


  • The Traces tab now displays the Total Bytes In and Total Bytes Out data for traces.

Version 3.1.1

25 May 2023

Issue Fix:

  • The data discrepancy between the overview and transaction pages has been fixed.

Version 3.1.0

19 May 2023


  • Additional cloud-type detections, such as AWS (EKS, ECS, Fargate) and GCP, are supported for autoscaling.

Version 3.0.0

03 April 2023

New Feature:

  • The agent collects NVM metrics, which are displayed in a separate tab.

Version 2.9.1

02 March 2023

Security issue fix (ZVE-2023-0246):

  • Encryption of license key in apminsightnode.json file.

Version 2.9.0

17 January 2023


Version 2.8.0

30 November 2022


  • Support for Elastic search.
  • Support for auto-detection of application port number if it is not specified in configuration file.
  • Support for capturing IP address list.

Version 2.7.0

20 October 2022


Version 2.6.0

20 September 2022


  • Support for grouping similar transactions.
  • Support for grouping transactions based on prefixes.

Issue fix:

  • The issue with the skip transaction feature has been resolved.

Version 2.5.1

5 August 2022


  • New configuration has been added to the apminsightnode.json file for process management.
    processManagerEnabled : true

Issue fix:

  • The issue with the aggregated exception count and error count has been fixed.

Version 2.5.0



  • Support for Axios module.

Issue fixes:

  • The issue with using undeclared functionality in MySQL2 and pgSQL has been fixed.
  • The issue with ignoring HTTP error codes has been fixed.

Version 2.4.0


New Feature:

Issue fix:

  • An issue with Bytes In and Bytes Out capture has been fixed.

Version 2.3.1


Issue fixes:

Version 2.3.0



  • Exclude the HTTP error codes like 400, 401, and 500 from monitoring to reduce noise in your monitoring environment. 

Version 2.2.1



  • HTTP request headers are now captured by the agent.

Version 2.2.0



  • Users can set configuration values as environment variables.
  • PGSQL queries under the module ‘pg-query-stream’ was not captured under Traces tab - this issue has now been fixed.

Version 2.1.0



  • Application dependency details are printed in log files for debugging instead of being sent via connect requests.
  • 'instance_id' key is not sent in connect request when it's value is empty. 

Issue fix:

  • Data for Top Errorcodes and Transaction Splitup by Errorcodes were missing in the Exception tab - this issue is now fixed.

Version 2.0


Security fix:

  • Read/Write permission for APM agent configuration file is set only for the current user running the app server.

Version 1.8



  • HTTP query parameters are now captured by the agent. 

Version 1.7.2



Version 1.7.1



  • Agent is updated to support the latest version of the dependency package - https-proxy-agent, version 5.0

Version 1.7.0



  • Monitoring support for Oracle DB

Version 1.6.0



  • Monitoring support for MSSQL

Version 1.5.0



  • You can now receive monitoring support for ECMA script
  • For web transactions, Bytes In and Bytes Out are captured

Version 1.4



  • User defined classes and methods, and handled errors can be tracked via custom instrumentation API's.
  • Support for monitoring background transactions.
  • Support for App Parameters.

Version 1.3.0



  • Monitoring support for Node.js v10
  • Autoscaling support for Node.js applications deployed in AWS and Azure environment.
  • Monitoring support for applications built using HTTP/2

Version 1.2.0



  • Support for MySql2, ioredis and Mongoose.
  • Agent can automatically detect and monitor Docker environment. 

Version 1.1



  • Agent can monitor and track Promise, Async / Await calls
  • Support for Redis and Cassandra

Version 1.0



Features supported by the Node.js agent are listed below:

  • Components overviewView external components connected with your application, as well as the number of ongoing and failed requests. The response time taken by each component is also tracked and shown here.
  • Web transactions: Transactions for a chosen time period are shown here along with their recent traces, including error transactions, error components, response time and throughput, and HTTP components.
  • Database operations: Database operations shows all database operations along with their count and throughput time. 
  • Trace details: Trace details shows transaction summaries, along with their respective components and error codes.
  • RUM integration: Integrate your Node.js application with Site24x7 real user monitoring (RUM) to get real-time data, including browser details, JS errors, Ajax calls, and region-specific performance of your application.

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