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Rename transactions with .NET agent API

Customize your application transactions by renaming them using the .NET agent API.  

In general, the APM Insight agent uses the URL of a transaction as the transaction name. When the URL involves query strings or is dynamically populated (as in the case of single-page applications), it's difficult to identify a particular transaction.  In such cases, you can rename your individual transactions to simplify tracking them. 

Follow the steps below to rename your transactions. 

  1. Add the package Site24x7.DotNetAgent.Apito your project.
    PM> Install-Package Site24x7.DotNetAgent.Api

    If you've already installed APM Insight, retrieve this API from the path given below and add DotNetAgent.Api.dll as a reference to your project.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\APM Insight\APM Insight .NET Agent\AgentApi\DotNetAgent.Api.dll

  2. Include the method SetTransactionName(string) inside the transaction scope in your application code.
  3. The following example illustrates how to set the transaction name via the API:
    public int UserLogin(string email, string sessionKey, bool isExternal)
    AccountBL objAdmin = new AccountBL();
    string EmpName = string.Empty;
    int retcode = objAdmin.LogIn(email, out int EmpId, out EmpName);
      if (retcode == 0)
    Session["EmpName"] = EmpName;
    Session["EmpId"] = EmpId;
    Session["isAuthenticated"] = true; }


  1. If you use this API multiple times inside a single transaction, the first use will be used as the transaction name.
  2. Unique values like session ID, page titles, and GUID should not be used in naming transactions.
  3. An application can only have 350 unique transaction names.

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