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Monitor the performance of your Kafka servers

Configure kafka plugin to monitor the performance metrics of your kafka server. Use these key indicators to ensure continuous functioning of your kafka Server. Take informed troubleshooting decisions by keeping track of critical metrics including:

  • Number of active connections 
  • Network Input/Output rate
  • Incoming byte rate
  • Outgoing byte rate
  • Average request latency
  • Request rate
  • Response rate
  • Average time for Input/Output thread spent waiting for a socket

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We are happy to introduce Apache Kafka plugin integration to monitor your Kafka instance. You will now be able to monitor critical Kafka metrics in real time and stay ahead of issues and bottlenecks.

Refer to the below GitHub link for the Kafka monitoring plugin details and setup steps:


You can monitor the following metrics with our Kafka plugin: 

Broker Topic Metrics

1. Bytes In Per Sec
2. Bytes Out Per Sec
3. Bytes Rejected Per Sec
4. Failed Fetch Requests Per Sec
5. Failed Produce Requests Per Sec
6. Fetch Message Conversions Per Sec
7. Invalid Magic Number Records Per Sec
8. Invalid Message Crc Records Per Sec
9. Invalid Offset Or Sequence Records Per Sec
10. Messages In Per Sec
11. No Key Compacted Topic Records Per Sec
12. Produce Message Conversions Per Sec
13. Reassignment Bytes In Per Sec
14. Reassignment Bytes Out Per Sec
15. Replication Bytes In Per Sec
16. Total Fetch Requests Per Sec
17. Total Produce Requests Per Sec
18. At Min Isr Partition Count
19. Failed Isr Updates Per Sec
20. Isr Shrinks Per Sec
21. Leader Count
22. Partition Count
23. Partitions With Late Transactions Count
24. Producer Id Count
25. Reassigning Partitions
26. Under Min Isr Partition Count
27. Under Replicated Partitions
28. Active Controller Count
29. Offline Partitions Count
30. Leader Election Rate

Partition Metrics
1. In Sync Replicas Count
2. Last Stable Offset Lag
3. Replicas Count
4. Under Replicated
5. Under Min Isr
6. Current Offset
7. Log End Offset
8. Lag

Feel free to give feedback on the plugin in the comments section below.

Happy monitoring.

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