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File Age Check

if there a file age check monitor available, if not, how could be done 

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Currently, we do not have this supported under Resource Checks. We will add it in our road map and update this post once live.

if not, how could be done 

An alternative way is to write a plugin and monitor the file's age. 

Linux Server 


Prerequisite: The Linux agent should be installed in that particular Linux server where the user would like to monitor the file age. 

Windows Server


Prerequisite: The Windows agent should be installed in that Windows server where the user would like to monitor the File Age.

Threshold for File Age

You can also set thresholds for file age and be notified when the configured value exceeds. 

Eg: In case you wish to be alerted if the file age has crossed more than 10 days, you can configure the threshold as mentioned in the below help documentation.



Hope this helps. For further queries, please comment in the below thread or mail us at [email protected]







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