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Disk partition failed, trigger down notification

When setting up alerts for disks. We need to be able to select Notify As "Down" for "Alert when Disk Partition Fails". At present I can only select Critical or Trouble for Notify As

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Replies (2)

Hi James,

Thankyou for contacting Site24x7. You can configure to get notified for down events at monitor level itself for Disk partition alerts. When configured at monitor level, it will be applied to all disks. To do this,

1. Access the monitor edit page by selecting the hamburger icon.

2. Scroll down to the "Configuration Profiles" section. Select the edit icon from "Threshold and Availability" field.

3. From the "Notify When Disk partition is removed" section, select the desired status for notification and save.

I'm aware that this option is not present at disk level at the moment. But rest assured, we will take this enhancement up with utmost priority.

Once again thankyou for raising this!





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Thanks for the reply Jenzo, that's helpful to know. Looking forward to being able to set this at the disk level in future.

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